24 Port Rd Whangarei | 09 438 8727

Fishbites- FNS Crab Electric Chicken

Stock Code:
$16.99 (Incl GST)
Stock Level:
In Stock


Fishbites is the synthetic alternative to natural cut bait giving you all the advantages of Mother Nature - and then some. Fishbites are made of a concentrated formula that replicates natural feeding stimulants and creates a powerful scent trail, so you'll catch more fish. The convenience and versatility of Fishbites are adding a whole new fun and exciting element to fishing! Get ready to Set the hook! with Fishbites... the scent that melts in the water, not on your hands!

Longer Lasting Formula

High durability for surf fishing or deep dropping offshore
Lasts longer in strong currents or slow trolling
Highly resistant to bait stealers
Great bait for kids to use