24 Port Rd Whangarei | 09 438 8727

Shimano St 4000FB Baitrunner

Please note that this product cannot be shipped to addresses outside of New Zealand

Stock Code:
Regular Price:
$119.00 (Incl GST)
$99.00 (Incl GST)
Stock Level:
In Stock


While competitors often down-spec reels to create entry-level options, Shimano does the opposite and adds more! Featuring Shimano’s legendary Baitrunner system comes the cheapest BTR on the market the new Baitrunner ST. But don’t be fooled by the low-price tag of this model, the BTR ST is still feature packed and ready for what ever takes your bait. the ST is a perfect introduction to the Baitrunner system allowing even novice anglers to strayline with ease.

Shimano AR-C Spool features a special spool ring shape. This design effectively minimises the possibility of issues when line exits the spool, resulting in trouble-free line management and exceptional casting performance.

S A-RB bearings are put through the same process as Shimano’s A-RB bearings but feature shields on both sides of the bearings. These shields reduce the possibility of salt or sand inhibiting the rotation of the bearing.