24 Port Rd Whangarei | 09 438 8727

Gomexus Baitrunner 4000/6000 Upgrade Handle (OC / D)

Please note that this product cannot be shipped to addresses outside of New Zealand

Stock Code:
$119.99 (Incl GST)
Stock Level:
In Stock


The Shimano Baitrunner handle upgrade by Gomexus offers some compelling features for fishing enthusiasts.
Here’s a breakdown of what this upgrade brings to your favourite reel,

Plug & Play Installation:
The handle is designed for easy installation without the need for drilling.
It takes just about 10 seconds to attach it to your reel, which is quite convenient for those who prefer a hassle-free setup.

Handle Length:
The Gomexus handle is available in lengths of 65mm and 75mm to suit different reels,
For the Shimano Baitrunner 4000, and 6000 size the 65 mm is recomended,
This is longer than most stock handles, which can be particularly beneficial for styles of fishing that require more torque, such as bottom fishing and jigging.
The longer handle can help reduce fatigue and discomfort during long fishing sessions.

Comfortable Grip:
The 41mm round knob is designed to increase sensitivity and provide a more durable and comfortable grip.
This ergonomic feature is aimed at making it easier to handle the reel during a fight with a big fish, enhancing the overall fishing experience.

These features make the Gomexus one-piece handle an attractive upgrade for Shimano Baitrunner reels, particularly for anglers looking to fish bigger game or enhance their fishing comfort and efficiency.