24 Port Rd Whangarei | 09 438 8727

Shimano Ocea Jigger 4000P

Please note that this product cannot be shipped to addresses outside of New Zealand

Stock Code:
$1,099.99 (Incl GST)
Stock Level:
In Stock


When your looking for one of the best jigging reels available, look no further than,
the long awaited
Shimano Ocea Jigger 4000P
Weight 800g
Gear ratio 5.4:1
Retrieve 101cm per crank
Braid capacity(PE/m)6/5
Bearing 6*1
Max useable grag 18kg
Shimano X Protect
Shimano Infifnty Drive
Shimano Micromodule Gear
Shimano T-bar handle
Shimano Hagane Body
Shimano Spool Lock
Shiano Auto Engage Handle