24 Port Rd Whangarei | 09 438 8727

Shimano Stella Swc 10000Pg Reel

Please note that this product cannot be shipped to addresses outside of New Zealand

Stock Code:
Regular Price:
$1,649.99 (Incl GST)
$1,199.00 (Incl GST)
Stock Level:
In Stock


With its enormous power, the 10000PG is suited to deep jigging for game species, especially extra large specimens. the newly equipped Infinity Drive and Heat Sink Drag enable you to hook, stop and turn big, powerful fish with even greater ease.

The 10000PG is designed to cope with unexpected big fish encounters.

Mono Cap. (kg/m): 9/201
Capacity DIA (mm/m): 0.40/300
Power Pro Cap. (PE/m): 50/360)
Gear Ratio: 4.9:1
Retrieve per Crank (cm): 102
Bearings: 13+1
Drag Power (kg): 25
Weight (g): 670