24 Port Rd Whangarei | 09 438 8727

Black Magic Shark Trace Rigged 10/0 Hook

Stock Code:
$29.99 (Incl GST)
Stock Level:
In Stock


The Black Magic Shark Trace Rig is designed for targeting sharks and other toothy species that require extreme bite and abrasion resistance due to their rough skin and powerful jaws.


5 meters of 200kg stainless steel wire: This heavy-duty stainless steel wire provides excellent strength and durability to withstand the powerful bites and abrasive skin of sharks.

Reusable trace holder: The trace holder is used to store the wire trace when not in use, keeping it organized and tangle-free.

1 x 10/0 closed gape forged stainless steel game hook: The 10/0 size hook is large and robust, suitable for targeting big sharks and other toothy species.


Carefully unwind the 5 meters of 200kg stainless steel wire from the trace holder.

On one end of the wire, attach the 10/0 closed gape forged stainless steel game hook securely using a strong knot or crimping method. Ensure the connection is reliable to handle the pressure of a big catch.

On the other end of the wire, you can add a snap swivel or a loop to attach it to your main fishing line on your fishing rod or reel.

Optionally, you can add a steel or nylon-coated leader at the other end to provide extra protection against the shark's sharp teeth.

Ensure that all connections are strong and secure, as you wouldn't want to risk losing a big catch due to a faulty rig.

As a reminder, shark fishing often requires specific permits and adherence to local fishing regulations, so be sure to check and comply with the rules in your area. Also, practice responsible catch and release techniques to promote sustainable fishing practices and protect shark populations.

Black Magic rigs are known for their quality and durability, and with this setup, you can be well-prepared for targeting sharks and other toothy predators. Happy fishing and tight lines!