24 Port Rd Whangarei | 09 438 8727

Bulletproof Directional Trolling Bird Blue White 25 cms

Stock Code:
$49.99 (Incl GST)
Stock Level:
In Stock


The Bulletproof Bi-Directional Trolling Bird, also known as the Omni-Directional Trolling/Teaser Bird, is a versatile and highly effective fishing tool designed for attracting big game fish such as tuna, marlin, and dorado.
Its unique features include an adjustable and removable rudder, allowing for various configurations based on the angler's needs

Key Features:Adjustable/Removable Rudder:
This feature provides flexibility, enabling the bird to be set up for different fishing strategies:Port or Starboard setup when the rudder is attached.Straight Runner configuration when the rudder is removed, making it ideal for a teaser or daisy chain setup.

Teaser Bird/Spreader Bar Use: It can be rigged as part of a spreader bar, known as a "Bird Bar Spreader," or used on its own as a teaser, which helps mimic a school of baitfish on the surface.
This motion attracts predatory fish from a distance.

As the name suggests, this trolling bird is built for rugged conditions, making it "bulletproof" in performance and able to withstand the harsh marine environment.

Proven Fish Attractor:
This trolling bird has a track record of success in attracting various species of game fish, especially tuna, marlin, and dorado, thanks to its erratic and enticing action in the water.
Whether used for trolling or as part of a teaser setup, this tool is versatile and effective, making it popular among sportfishers.