24 Port Rd Whangarei | 09 438 8727

Salty Dog Salted Bait Packs

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$19.99 (Incl GST)
$19.99 (Incl GST)
$19.99 (Incl GST)
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In Stock
In Stock
In Stock


900 gram bag of Salty Dog Blue Mac
Suitable when camping or fishing off the wharf or beach
Ready to pop into your resalalecontainer
We are unable to freight frozen bait and Berley

800 grams of Salty Dog salted mullet
Ready to pop into your resealable container
Ideal for camping ,
We are unable to freight frozen bait and Berley

Salty Dog prepeare this pack of Salted Pilchards so its easy for you take in your motor home or caravan
Pack is approxiamtly 900 grams
Does not require refrigeration, how ever it is recomened that you store the bait in a closed container when not in use,
Get more bite with Salty Dog bait
We are unable to freight frozen bait and Berley

Image Code Description Product Name Price Quantity
Salty Dog Salted Blue Mack 900 Gms (Approx)


900 gram bag of Salty Dog Blue Mac
Suitable when camping or fishing off the wharf or beach
Ready to pop into your resalalecontainer
We are unable to freight frozen bait and Berley

Salty Dog Salted Blue Mack 900 Gms (Approx)
$19.99 (Incl GST)
Salty Dog Salted Mullet 800 Gms (Approx)


800 grams of Salty Dog salted mullet
Ready to pop into your resealable container
Ideal for camping ,
We are unable to freight frozen bait and Berley

Salty Dog Salted Mullet 800 Gms (Approx)
$19.99 (Incl GST)
Salty Dog Salted Pilchards 900 Gms (Approx)


Salty Dog prepeare this pack of Salted Pilchards so its easy for you take in your motor home or caravan
Pack is approxiamtly 900 grams
Does not require refrigeration, how ever it is recomened that you store the bait in a closed container when not in use,
Get more bite with Salty Dog bait
We are unable to freight frozen bait and Berley

Salty Dog Salted Pilchards 900 Gms (Approx)
$19.99 (Incl GST)