24 Port Rd Whangarei | 09 438 8727

Momoi X-Hard Windon Leader

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$29.99 (Incl GST)
$32.99 (Incl GST)
$34.99 (Incl GST)
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Momoi's Wind-On Leaders are attached with a loop to loop connection to your fishing line.
The wind-on system improves bait presentation, eliminates the need for conventional long leaders and provides safer handling and releasing of fish at the boat.

High strength monofilament and fluorocarbon combined with low stretch dyneema creates the strongest, most dependable wide-on leader available on the market.

Momoi's Wind-On Leaders are attached with a loop to loop connection to your fishing line.
The wind-on system improves bait presentation, eliminates the need for conventional long leaders and provides safer handling and releasing of fish at the boat.

High strength monofilament and fluorocarbon combined with low stretch dyneema creates the strongest, most dependable wide-on leader available on the market.

Momoi's Wind-On Leaders are attached with a loop to loop connection to your fishing line.
The wind-on system improves bait presentation, eliminates the need for conventional long leaders and provides safer handling and releasing of fish at the boat.

High strength monofilament and fluorocarbon combined with low stretch dyneema creates the strongest, most dependable wide-on leader available on the market.

Image Code Description Product Name Price Quantity
Momoi X-Hard W/Dyneema 220LB 7.62M (25ft)


Momoi's Wind-On Leaders are attached with a loop to loop connection to your fishing line.
The wind-on system improves bait presentation, eliminates the need for conventional long leaders and provides safer handling and releasing of fish at the boat.

High strength monofilament and fluorocarbon combined with low stretch dyneema creates the strongest, most dependable wide-on leader available on the market.

Momoi X-Hard W/Dyneema 220LB 7.62M (25ft)
$29.99 (Incl GST)
Momoi X-Hard W/Dyneema 300LB 7.62M (25ft)


Momoi's Wind-On Leaders are attached with a loop to loop connection to your fishing line.
The wind-on system improves bait presentation, eliminates the need for conventional long leaders and provides safer handling and releasing of fish at the boat.

High strength monofilament and fluorocarbon combined with low stretch dyneema creates the strongest, most dependable wide-on leader available on the market.

Momoi X-Hard W/Dyneema 300LB 7.62M (25ft)
$32.99 (Incl GST)
Momoi X-Hard W/Dyneema 400LB 7.62M (25ft)


Momoi's Wind-On Leaders are attached with a loop to loop connection to your fishing line.
The wind-on system improves bait presentation, eliminates the need for conventional long leaders and provides safer handling and releasing of fish at the boat.

High strength monofilament and fluorocarbon combined with low stretch dyneema creates the strongest, most dependable wide-on leader available on the market.

Momoi X-Hard W/Dyneema 400LB 7.62M (25ft)
$34.99 (Incl GST)