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Bonze Thunnus Pro Dredge Teasers

Stock Code:
$329.00 (Incl GST)
Stock Level
In Stock
In Stock


One of our favourites The Thunnus Pro dredge combined with one of our Pro Squid chains is a deadly combination. Rigged with a twin 8/0 Grander hook rig to give you maximum strength and holding power.

Includes Bonze Teaser bag.

Image Code Description Product Name Price Quantity
Bonze Thunnus Pro Dredge Teaser Bar- White


One of our favourites The Thunnus Pro dredge combined with one of our Pro Squid chains is a deadly combination. Rigged with a twin 8/0 Grander hook rig to give you maximum strength and holding power.

Includes Bonze Teaser bag.

Bonze Thunnus Pro Dredge Teaser Bar- White
$329.00 (Incl GST)