24 Port Rd Whangarei | 09 438 8727

Finleline White Polyester

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$1.50 (Incl GST)
$1.50 (Incl GST)
$1.50 (Incl GST)
$1.50 (Incl GST)
$2.50 (Incl GST)
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16 Carrier smooth construction, high tenacity UV stabilised polyester core and cover.
Solid white, black and colours.
Applications - General purpose, tying and whipping, mouse line, Blind draw cord, leach line.
Approx breaking strain 25Kg
Sold per metre

16 Carrier smooth construction, high tenacity UV stabilised polyester core and cover.
Solid white, black and colours.
Applications - General purpose, tying and whipping, mouse line, Blind draw cord, leach line.
Approx breaking strain 50Kg
Sold per metre

16 Carrier smooth construction, high tenacity UV stabilised polyester core and cover.
Solid white, black and colours.
Applications - General purpose, tying and whipping, mouse line, Blind draw cord, leach line.
Approx breaking strain 75Kg
Sold per metre

16 Carrier smooth construction, high tenacity UV stabilised polyester core and cover.
Solid white, black and colours.
Applications - General purpose, tying and whipping, mouse line, Blind draw cord, leach line.
Approx breaking strain 240Kg
Sold per metre

16 Carrier smooth construction, high tenacity UV stabilised polyester core and cover.
Solid white, black and colours.
Applications - General purpose, tying and whipping, mouse line, Blind draw cord, leach line.
Approx breaking strain 400Kg
Sold per metre

Image Code Description Product Name Price Quantity
Fine Cj Polyester 1 Mm White


16 Carrier smooth construction, high tenacity UV stabilised polyester core and cover.
Solid white, black and colours.
Applications - General purpose, tying and whipping, mouse line, Blind draw cord, leach line.
Approx breaking strain 25Kg
Sold per metre

Fine Cj Polyester 1 Mm White
$1.50 (Incl GST)
Fine Cj Polyester 1.5Mm White


16 Carrier smooth construction, high tenacity UV stabilised polyester core and cover.
Solid white, black and colours.
Applications - General purpose, tying and whipping, mouse line, Blind draw cord, leach line.
Approx breaking strain 50Kg
Sold per metre

Fine Cj Polyester 1.5Mm White
$1.50 (Incl GST)
Fine Cj Polyester 2.0Mm White


16 Carrier smooth construction, high tenacity UV stabilised polyester core and cover.
Solid white, black and colours.
Applications - General purpose, tying and whipping, mouse line, Blind draw cord, leach line.
Approx breaking strain 75Kg
Sold per metre

Fine Cj Polyester 2.0Mm White
$1.50 (Incl GST)
Fine Cj Polyester 3.0Mm White


16 Carrier smooth construction, high tenacity UV stabilised polyester core and cover.
Solid white, black and colours.
Applications - General purpose, tying and whipping, mouse line, Blind draw cord, leach line.
Approx breaking strain 240Kg
Sold per metre

Fine Cj Polyester 3.0Mm White
$1.50 (Incl GST)
Fine Cj Polyester 4.0Mm White


16 Carrier smooth construction, high tenacity UV stabilised polyester core and cover.
Solid white, black and colours.
Applications - General purpose, tying and whipping, mouse line, Blind draw cord, leach line.
Approx breaking strain 400Kg
Sold per metre

Fine Cj Polyester 4.0Mm White
$2.50 (Incl GST)